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Using the Telecommuting System

Assistant Professor Ai Muto, Systems Microbiology (Mori Lab.), Division of Biological Science (Mori Lab.)

I had heard about this system through lunch meetings at the Gender Equality Office. When I applied for maternity leave, the Human Resources Department provided me with the details, and I used the system for one month immediately after my maternity leave ended. The maternity leave was scheduled to end in early May, but since I had an international Ph.D. student's exam coming up in August and new students would be assigned in May, I thought it would have less impact on my education if I returned to work as soon as possible. Also, as long as my child was healthy and I had no problems with my own health after the birth, I thought that returning to work without taking maternity leave would be a good idea from a career standpoint. I thought it would be good for my career. However, I would not be able to go back to work until I could put my child in daycare, so the ability to work from home was very important to me. While working from home, I was able to communicate with the students via Skype and email, and I was also able to come to the university several times a week to provide direct guidance during the acclimation period.
I don't remember much about the first month or two after giving birth, but as I recall, an application for the telecommuting system had to be submitted "at least two weeks before" the expected start date. In the city of Osaka where I live, the notification of the day-care center's decision is made "on the 20th of the previous month" in the case of mid-career enrollment. In addition, of the 10 day care centers within walking distance of my house that offer child care for 0-year-olds, only one day care center accepted children under 6 months. I remember feeling anxious as I had to decide whether to return to work at home or take parental leave, not knowing if or when I would be able to enroll my child in a daycare center. I ended up requesting a longer period of time to work from home, and after the decision was made to enroll in a daycare center, I submitted a notice to shorten the period. The problem of children on waiting lists is a big problem for the government, but I think it would be easier to use the system if the university could accept applications to use the system even at the last minute.
(March 2020)

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